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CTEK is Perfect for Motorists

As majority of us have spent more time indoors and have adopted work-from-home measures, while our vehicles sit idly in the garage because of the pandemic. Without knowing it, not using our cars/SUV’s have consequences. Non-usage of motorized vehicles can lead to a variety of problems. Things like flat tires and dead batteries are common problems. These things can cause a lot stress if you need to go somewhere and your vehicles aren't running correctly.With tech companies like CTEK, you will can be spared from this problem.

CTEK is the leader in battery technology solutions. CTEK battery chargers are built on the philosophy that preventing problems are  better than finding a cure to the problem. Rather than waiting for your vehicle to break down at the most unexpected times, regularly keeping the battery charge in prime condition will keep the battery healthy. It will also have the owner be more confident that the vehicle is ready to go.

Led by the MXS 5.0. The MXS 5.0 has a 8-step charging and battery recondition feature, the model range include chargers for just about any type of battery that are used in 4 and 2 wheel vehicles, as well as vehicles for transport, recreation, and generators. We've added to the battery line-up this year. CTEK's new innovations to make battery care even more convenient – beginning with the all-new CS Free portable smart battery charger, which is a first of its kind that features adaptive boost technology for safe and reliable charging.

If you have any questions about what CTEK's batteries can do for contact us!