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Back To School Time Can Affect Car Batteries

Back To School spelled out on Scrabble pieces

Back to school time! This year, things look a bit different for families though. With blended school models, bussing protocols, and remote learning becoming more prominent, our vehicles are taking a hit. Whether we will be sitting in line for longer periods of time picking up the kiddos, or whether our vehicles will be sitting in the garage due to remote learning, things are changing. 

CTEK Understands Battery Life

With this said, we at CTEK understand that “While video conferencing and temperature checks may be our new normal, dead batteries don’t have to be. Car batteries, much like cell phone batteries, are rechargeable.”

So, how will batteries be affected by remote learning and long car lines? It is simple: sitting vehicles still need power. In fact, when a car battery is connected to a sitting car for longer periods, it drains the battery even more. Take modern vehicles, for example, they include alarm systems, on-board computers, memory for seat positions, climate control, and the list goes on. How do you think these elements are supported when the car is turned off for an extended period of time. You got it: the battery.

School Car Lines = Drained Batteries

Additionally, how will batteries be affected by waiting in long car lines? Again, simple answer. 

Idling in a vehicle creates several challenges; one which includes battery life. Put it this way, if the car is idling everyday, the battery takes the grunt that the other car parts can’t. Typically, a battery is not being used AFTER you start the vehicle. However, excessive idling leads to issues with other parts in your car, like the alternator. What does this mean exactly: the battery will be used when you wait in long car lines due to new back to school protocols.

Let's Look At Statistics

graph showing increases

According toThe Shop, “it is clear that back to school routines will change…{in fact} the numbers reveal” the following:

  • 55% of parents plan to use their car to take their children to school, and parents planning to carpool with other families is up 22% from pre-pandemic stats
  • 30% of parents will have their kids take the school bus, a 31% drop compared to before the pandemic
  • 3% of parents will have their kids take public transit, a 25% decrease from before the pandemic
  • 73% of parents are planning for longer drop-off lines this year as more people drive

Which Smart Chargers 


Ultimately, even during this global pandemic, and even while we adjust to school protocols, kids are going back to school. And, how can CTEK solve these ‘back to school’ challenges? To put it simply, our quality CTEK MXS 5.0 smart charger can help!  This is one of our most versatile products. In fact, It is the perfect charger for the user with multiple vehicle types and higher demand battery charging and maintenance requirements.

CTEK smart charger 

Our CT5 Time To Go smart charger is another great option. This quality smart charger allows you to take control of your day! With its advanced technology, this product is truly ‘smart’ because it can predict when your battery will be charged. When it is 'time to go', this product will tell you when it is safe to start your vehicle before the battery is fully charged. 

Basically, even with the back to school challenges for families, and the direct hit on our vehicles due to this pandemic, CTEK can keep our vehicles in good shape!